Just thought I'd bring every1 up to date and tell the people who don't know what I'm going though.
A few years back my wife attacted Hep C. its a disease that attacks the liver which in turn will develope into cirrhosis of the liver that will probably turn to cancer. She was on treatment for a whole year with me giving her a shot every week. The medicine really take everything out of her, she is always weak because the treatment destroys the red blood cell and then make new ones. When the year was up, the disease was gone in june. She had a 3 month checkup to see if the Hep C came back and it did. So now she is on another treatment which is a shot everyday along with her other meds. that she take. She was also put on the liver donor list. Theres alot of side effects with this treatment,too many to mention. If u have any ? feel free to ask.
The reason I'm telling u all this is that sometimes I get a little stressed out and may say something or do something in game that isnt right. I dont know if all this sound right but had to tell the brotherhood. Thanks for your time
I'm sorry to hear that Rock. A couple of my friends have relatives with that disease, and it's certainly is nothing easy to deal with. Like Greek said stay strong, your wife needs you that way. We'll deal with your side effects as they come.
Guess what...
I got a fever!
And the only prescription... is more cowbell!
that sucks rock sorry about your wifre. yeah to to be redundant we are all here for you (sorry for speaking for everyone..again). If u need anything don't be afraid to ask man!
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
Just thought I'd update every1. My wife had to go off the second treatment because her body couldn't handle the meds, she was real sick and unable to eat anything w/o throwing it up later. So the doctor told us to take her off because only 35% of the people on the second treatment get cured and my put my wife though all that for those losey odds. So we are going to let the Hep c take its toll on her liver. The doctor also said that it might be 5 or 6 years before she'll need the transplant. Thanks for all your support.