I noticed not a lot of you don't have or know how to use IRC so here's a little tutorial showing you how to download and install it, run a nice script for it, and how to register on the gamesurge network where you'll be most of the time for things related to CoD on IRC.
Part I - Installing mIRC
1. Download mIRC version 6.16 from the mirc.com download page or click this link http://www.nnscript.de/dl/mirc616.exe . The mirror you choose doesn't matter. Save it anywhere on your hard drive.
2. Start the "mirc616.exe" file you just downloaded. Click on the "Next >" button on the first page of the installer.
3. After reading the license agreement on this screen, click the "Yes" button to continue with the installation of mIRC 6.16.
4. Now, choose the folder you want to install mIRC into and enter the path into the "Destination folder" editbox (example: C:\Program Files\mIRC). Make sure the folder you have chosen is EMPTY. Remember this folder as you need it again afterwards! Leave all the checkboxes in their current state. After you entered the folder, click on the "Install" button!
5. Now you just have to start mIRC.
6. Click the setup tab.
7. Under the connect tab fill out the information boxes, keep in mind the name you put in the nickname box will be the name people see you as in IRC.
8. Click ok and open up your webrowser. Time to register on GameSurge.
Part II - Registering with GameSurge
1. Go to http://www.gamesurge.net/createaccount/ to create your account on gamesurge.
2. Fill in your account name (it can be almost whatever you want it to be).
3. Fill in your e-mail address and the e-mail address confirmation.
4. Fill in the human input validation box by typing the word in the box on the line below.
After completing this form your account will be registered and your authentication password will be e-mailed to you. (can take some time)
The next step is authenticating with AuthServ. Remember you must authenticate with AuthServ every time you connect to GameSurge. Authentication is very simple and straight-forward.
5. In IRC at the bottom of the status window enter the command: /authserv AUTH
If you execute the command correctly AuthServ will notice you with the message ?-AuthServ- I recognize you.? For users who registered through the website you will probably want to change your password. To change your password: /authserv PASS
6. To make authentication easier and hassle free you can add the authentication command to your perform. The perform section can be found in mIRC options (alt+o) --> connect --> options --> perform (button). Simply add the command to this window and make sure that ?enable perform on connect? is enabled.
7. Last and most important step is to idle #nForce.