Personal Info: - Alias: Apollo - Real Name: Jared - Age: 13 - Location: Grand Rapids MI - Email / xfire: jynzo2
Gaming Experience: - Previous Teams: SS SA Rapier - Previous Leagues’ Experience: TWL, Cal O - Favorite weapon: Kar98k,Thompson,M1 garand - Why nForce? ive seen u guys play and u r really good and i want to c if im good enough to be recruited
ya just drop by our vent and hang out practices are held on tuesdays and thursday around 9.00 eastern or 6.00pacific see you there BTW vent info is port:4326 pass:chiefs
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!