Personal Info: - Alias - Jewish Schmoo or Chris777 - Real Name - Chris - Age - 15 - Location - Tillamoo, OR. - Email / xfire - / mcchris777
Gaming Experience: - Previous Teams - Well, I've been chilling since being in [MC] (ick...), didn't really visit/like any other clans/teams besides them and you guys.
- Previous Leagues’ Experience - bleh, I'm too 1337 for leagues (seriously though, usually just played for the hell of it)
- Favorite weapon - Probably the 44 for its awesome head-bursting pwnage, but I'll give some love to the carbine (CARBINE TIME!!!11!!oneone!)
- Why nForce? Well since I've hung out on your guy's vent for like a year now and ya guys are practically my home when it comes to vent. I know it appears to some of your guys that I don't play alot of CoD, but I have my reasons (mostly router problems, they bug the hell outta me in cod2). I'm no noob...I may be a bit rusty, but that'll wear off within a few days of uber-playing. Anywho...that be it.
Hahah u said boobie, well i think he should just tag up im wit Mt hes been here forever man i love u and once this is through me and u should play some COD2 and then maybe some more and then maybe play something else hell i dunno whatever
Ya man in mt's and my opinion you should just tag up...youve been here for ever i always forget your not part of nforce lol... ;)
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!