Hey guys, I'm Crimson and I'm from Saliency (http://www.saliencygamerz.com) Just thought I'd pass this info along to anyone whose interested. -------------------------------------------------------------
First let me start off by apologizing for any spam perceived by this posting. Folks, here is the situation: We are a gaming company in need of gamers and not some guy in a office cubicle who has never gamed before or has no online gaming background. We can't find these kinds of people on Monster.com!
I’d like you introduce you folks to http://www.playlinc.com a free service for gamers.
Now what can the service do for you?
Simply launch your game from Playlinc. Imagine having the choice while playing 2142, Counter Strike or WOW- of being able to surf websites (in-game) or IM in-game with all AIM/ICQ buddies too
Play FPS games?. Like to start your own Free hosted server off high speed datacenters. Do it in Playlinc for free in any US or European datacenters.
Host your own high speed, lag free game server in popular games like CS, CSS, BF2, BF2142 (ranked) etc… on us!
Like to start your own 32 player Free Voice server. Do it in Playlinc.
We are also hiring: So if you’re interested in working for the gaming industry (part-time, from home) and learning about the positions. Please sign up here http://ambassadors.playlinc.com . For: Pay is up to $10.00/Hr
If you play other games: Here is what you get for free, all the time. No catch, never pay a dime.
About Playlinc ™
Playlinc ™ is an all encompassing free gaming “no registration required" portal for PC and console gamers with services that include:
Free game server hosting: Host games through our free high speed servers located in our data centers on both coasts THROUGH A FIBER OPTIC CONNECTION. Example: Free CS, BF2, BF2142 Ranked servers! . Its all free! all the time! The speed and reliability of fiber optic dedicated servers without the cost.
Built in Free VOIP servers: Don’t pay for Ventrillo or Teamspeak VOIP servers ever again.
Game area network (GAN): GAN eliminates the “Achilles Heel” for LAN-based games that require all players to be in a localized setting. Turn your LAN based games into a multiplayer online game! A mod/map maker’s delight.
Buddy IM systems: Our convenient IM service is based on AIM or ICQ and it allows you to keep in touch with your gaming friends in and out of game!
Game Overlay (In game chat client): Triple Threat! The Game overlay service allows you to communicate through text or voice with all of your AIM or ICQ friends in and outside the game. But wait! It also lets you control your free voice servers (up to 32 players) and be able to surf websites right in the game! NO MORE ALT-TABBING!
Follow your buddies into games : This one click service drops you into the very game that your buddies are playing within, eliminating the hassle in finding their game server.
Prizes and giveaways: Enjoy a multitude of promotions and prize giveaways from our partners. Great contests like Verizon's promotion that gave away 50 Alienware computers in 50 days! Plus: Tournament's by recognized online gaming sites like the CPL, one which paid $100,000 to a single winner!