If you haven't seen the news above already, here are some new features
- A revamped Calendar feature - Custom Emoticons - Thread ratings - Youtube embedding - Two (count 'em) new text editors for posting - Improved security features - Profile improvements, including the whiteboard, thread subscriptions, and an improved messaging system.
Post that in the home page of nForce's website! Some New news
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
My return due date to nForceville is getting closer and nForces home will be transformed once again (new look). KrS - start working on your Dreamweaver & Photoshop skills!!!
I am still extremely busy since we just moved yesterday to our new house a lot of stuff to unpack and takes sometime to finally settle down for the moment no internet (but it is a top priority to be settle first)
YaY Greek's almost coming back! haha Sweet ill wear nothing just for you.
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!