Hey fellow gamers at nForce. First I'd like to quickly introduce myself. Online I go by the name WarHawK, and I am the Co-Founder here at the United Gaming League. I am posting on your forums today on behalf of the UGL in hopes to see you and your team sign up and participate in some of our ladders. As of right now, all competition will take place on PromodLive206, however we will have Pam4 Tactical support in the future. The UGL is offering prize packages for winning teams WITHOUT a buy-in. That's free prize-rewards at your fingertips without having to pay an entry fee. The more teams we get signed up, the better the prizes will get courtesy of our sponsors. With the failure of about half of all PC Gaming Leagues dying off in the past two years, we feel that something has to be done differently. We are treating this as a way for PC Gamers to stick together and reignite the fire and passion that once put PC Gaming at the top of the gaming world in levels of competition as well as tenacity. We are inviting you to play to represent your team, and gaming in general. If that isn't your thing, hell, sign up to win some free **** . If you have any questions for myself, or how things operate, or anything at all, either respond to this thread or contact me via private message on our website which can be located at " http://www.unitedgl.com " . I will be checking this thread daily or as often as I can to try and get back to you guys as quickly as possible. To register your team, the team captain must prompt to join a ladder, and create the team per-ladder. We're working on a more advanced system, but for now, this is functional and will work for our needs. That's about all I can say without completely going on a rant; I will be posting similar threads on forums across North America in hopes that we can host some of the premiere clans that North America has to offer, and create a better platform for those teams to compete under one roof. I hope to see you all on the website in the future, again, my name is WarHawK, I am the Co-Founder of the United Gaming League. Take it to the next level!
Yo dude...if this was a couple years ago we probably would have participated...but we have resigned ourselves to occasional pubbing and that's about it. Good luck with your league,