i was informed today that at leased 2 of your members were banned from our (se-clan24/7 server) because of gross misconduct towards a 13YR OLD GIRL who was really upset about it. such was the nature of what they was typing ingame to her was deplorable to say the leased. now i will leave it that if your clan does not come to any se-clan servers again & i will be reporting this to STA/TWL & all freindly clans of [SE] this is not the first time i,ve come across nforce as i have seen your guys recruiting on our servers before & they also got banned. the players who was involved are 1/ nforce=wildch!ld 2/ nforce=vandal now please dont make a big issue out of this as we have enough proof & if forced will contact police about this Ray
It is very hard to believe that these 2 guys did such a thing - especially Warchild & Vandal. So please send me the proofs that you have on the matter...
Please send them to the following emails: zourlos@comcast.net & thegreek@mcnforce.com
If you could include the IPs, I'd also like to see those. Again as Greek said, these are not two of our most vocal members. My email is yaya@mcnforce.com. As far as recruiting our squad is NOT currently recruiting. Nor have we been recruiting since our squad has been independent. And as far as I've heard none of our members have been banned for recruiting.
-- Edited by FightingYayabo at 20:43, 2005-08-11
-- Edited by FightingYayabo at 20:45, 2005-08-11
Guess what...
I got a fever!
And the only prescription... is more cowbell!
i will get back to you with all the information i have as & when i can drag it off the log files & post it back to you. i was not there so i can only at this stage go by what my members & the young lady have told me & i promise to get back to you a.s.a.p with all the relivant information. thanks Ray