Wow Rapaz, I think I worked too hard on yours (lol). I really wanted to make this one look professional, and not put shame to the chiefs so I tried pretty hard.
< img src="[MC]_Chris777/Rapaz.jpg" alt="Image hosted by">
(copy this link into your signature without the space between the < and img) Anyways, tell me if you like it or hate it. Looks like my schedual is finally clear unless you want something done it it
Schmoo can u make me one too. Using the comic book sgt rock, u can find it up on the web. And Krs where do u find all these avatars from they are great.
Well. I've been putting some work into making rock a decent sig (sorry, havnt began on one-eye's or eagle's sigs yet) but, I do have one surprise. I made a sig for myself Anyways, drop your comments like always, and I'll get started on eagles and one-eye's sigs ASAP.
< img src="[MC]_Chris777/SgtRock.jpg" alt="Image hosted by"> (Just type that line in your signature area without the space betweem the < & img)
After a terribly long delay (yeah yeah, im sorry, I got too tangled up in destroying n00bs in CoD2 ) I honor and award these forums with 2 (yes 2) brand new signatures. I remade Ironeagles (now its Greek-Safe ) and finally got to finishing one eye's. Enjoy.
< img src="[MC]_Chris777/1eye.jpg" alt="Image hosted by">
< img src="[MC]_Chris777/Ironeagle.jpg" alt="Image hosted by">
As usual gents, just remove the space in-between the < & img to and shove that line in your signature box in your profile. If you have any issues or comments, just reply or talk to me on vent.
Did you read the whole post? Copy the link underneath your signature (yes the whole thing), then just paste it into your signature section in your profile and remove the FIRST and only the FIRST space in the line (the space between < and img). It would look exactly like this if you added the < and > brackets at the beggining and end of the line.
img src="[MC]_Chris777/1eye.jpg" alt="Image hosted by"
The sigs will NOT work with the "[img]" tags (yes, im talking to you iron )