illmatik, i love how you say it's IMPOSSIBLE for a plane to penetrate all that steel.
Here's something included in this article I mentioned. (
In layman's terms the crash dynamics worked like so: A large hollow tube, with a belly full of luggage, a passenger bay with 60 people, and wings full of fuel smashed into the side of an almost solid object while moving at a tremendous speed (somewhere around 350-400mph). When the 225,000lb+ plane hit, it smashed apart with such force from the crash that it became like one massive column of liquid (no, the plane didn't melt or turn into liquid, it just acted like one physically - mountainslides act the same way, a million tons of rock acts like a large field of liquid during a landslide even if no water is present). All the small parts, luggage, people, seats, and all the tens of thousands of pounds of fuel acting like a massive river came crashing into the wall of the Pentagon. This force burst through the outside wall and flowed through the inside to the next wall, and momentum carried this mass until it finally ran out of inertia at the 3rd ring.
Plane hitting WTC (another example of crash fluid dynamics) - RealAudio Required - note how the 767 "liquifies" and flows through the WTC tower.
Please do read the information on the Perdue website yourself - I don't do it justice with my one paragraph of paraphrasing!
----------------------------------------- "At that speed, the plane itself is like a sausage skin," Sozen said. "It doesn't have much strength and virtually crumbles on impact."
But the combined mass of everything inside the plane – particularly the large amount of fuel onboard – can be likened to a huge river crashing into the building.
----------------------------------------- So in a sense, you were right the plane itself didn't plow through, the mass of everything after the impact cause the damage.
I know you won't change your mind on all this even after I 100% proved you wrong. I mean I can understand you don't wanna look even more stupid by completly switching sides...
when the plane crashed into the pentagon all of the parts were liquified is that what your saying patsie?
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
well i know one thing why did the fbi immediately confiscate the three tapes that would show what really happened on that day? what are they trying to hide from us? if they say it was a plane that hit The Pentagon we could see it from those tapes that they confiscated clear as day.
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
Vandal wrote: well i know one thing why did the fbi immediately confiscate the three tapes that would show what really happened on that day? what are they trying to hide from us? if they say it was a plane that hit The Pentagon we could see it from those tapes that they confiscated clear as day.
They released one tape with 5 frames. I don't see what could be so different on the other tapes?
Are you ****en kidding me? there is a big diffrence, you can actually see the whole thing happening not some 5 sec frame video.For example there was the freeway camera it was a perfect view of what happened but yet the government does not want us to see it. Not only that there were two other camera's the Hotel camera which is right across the street from the pentagon and the gasoline station that you can see a pretty good view of the whole thing.....and the freeway cam is a live feed of what what happened it does not have a maximum of 5 frames.
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
gee illmatik, idk, i would assume the bodies were in pretty bad shape. that still doesn't elimate forensics, dental records.
the point is, there was a plane (flight 77) that did crash into the pentagon! accept it buddy cuz it's the truth! i don't know what other proof i need to give you..
would you like me to call up a victim's family?
illmatik, IMO you're being disrespectful to ALL the victims of 9/11 by making up your horse**** (or should i say believing conspirator's horse****).
if it can liquify a plane couldnt it liquify the bodies to...and "teeth" for that matter?
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!
yeah also the black boxes? the indestructable boxs that would tell what actually happened on these so called commerical planes? they were destroyed the gov't says, yet they were never destroyed since they were made. This is just another conspiracy liek the JFK thing, the gov't controls us and have the power to. Why was the pentagon built to support missle strikes only in that sector of the building? Kinda odd how they would only build that part of the building to with stand attacks right? Why are they numerious witnesses that where by the pentagon when the explosion happened saying it looked liek a small missile and the witenesses are convinced it was nto a plane. I have a video that are recorded and qouted and have there full names so show they arent going to lie and you could even check all that becuase they are dozens of ppl that have stated that and its a fact. The WTC were attacked my mititary planes. Before the hit of the WTC there is a small missile hitting it first. You can see it on all the major news videos, and it doesnt match the plane discribed at all. As for the pentagon plane, the parts they planted in the pentagon arent parts that belong to that plane, thats also a fact you can check up on that to.
If it can liquefy steel it can liquefy bones aka teeth
the point is patsie i dont believe it was a plane and same with a lot of other people. You believe what you want and Ill believe what i want but if this is gonna turn into a fight between us I just dont want that to happen so This will be my last post on this subject
So in conclusion in my most honest belief I believe that it was not a 757 boeing jet, I believe it was in the form of a missle and explosives in the pentagon. I believe this for reasons stated in videos and the lack of evidence of a plane of the size of a 757. I also know for a fact that the holes left in the pentagon are exactly the kind of holes a cruise missle leaves.
that is all I have to say on this matter and as I said earlier in this post just end it because there is no reason for brothers in nForce to be fighting over what they believe.
patsie wrote: Vandal wrote: well i know one thing why did the fbi immediately confiscate the three tapes that would show what really happened on that day? what are they trying to hide from us? if they say it was a plane that hit The Pentagon we could see it from those tapes that they confiscated clear as day.
They released one tape with 5 frames. I don't see what could be so different on the other tapes?
Fatsie on the one tape with 5 frames u can't see **** :P also on the other tapes there could be something so different no one wants to find out aka missile aka expostives aka a naked guy running with bombs on him NO ONE WILL KNOW until all the tapes are released
they will be released after our generation is dead, just liek JFK. Which i beleive in 2023 they are releasing the videos and everything on what really happened! Im so excitied! only roughly 6205 days left! or 148920 hours left! or 8935200 minutes left! or 536112000 seocnds left!
"Even the black boxes have been recovered, the reason given for not playing the flight voice recorder for the media was that it wouldn't serve any use other than to cause more emotional pain to family members (I agree with them frankly)."
patsie wrote: i guess your teenage minds haven't developed yet?
rofl ya ok dont foget to take your daughters to the park today sir lmfao
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!