Personal Info: - *sleger - Sam - 17 - Ottawa Ontario - sl3ger = xfire
Gaming Experience: - [BSS] Rifles only (TWL), reaction (they were 3 and 1 on cal-o when i quit) and remember* (died) - TWL and cal-o - Sniper - I am looking for a serious clan that is mature and will respect other players. I see that nforce is organised with practice schedualed at certain days, which proves the seriousness of this clan. I have seen you guys play and you guys have talent. I would like to join so I could be part of this amazing team. I am looking forward to a reply
ya sleger come to our vent and hang out as much as possible, come to our practices too if your really serious in becoming a memebr of this squad. Practices-tues & thurs @ 9.00pm est(6.00pm pst) Vent info: Ip: Port:4326 Pass:chiefs
Sparky:Hey you wanna hear me play some Frets on Fire?
Rapaz: No! You tried it earlier and you sucked at it.
Vandal:Whats Frets on fire?
Sparky:Its like Guitar Hero but on PC!